Logan City Council Infill Studies
Urban Design and Master Planning
Location | Logan, Queensland
Client | Logan City Council
Services | Master Planning
The Logan Infill Study was prepared to assist Logan City Council in responding to the obligations of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031, which requires an additional 70,000 dwellings to be provided in the City by 2031.
This target is expected to be met through a combination of ‘greenfield’ development and redevelopment within the identified infill sites and major centres. BDA were engaged to address six potential infill areas, those identified as having the best redevelopment prospects.
This target is expected to be met through a combination of ‘greenfield’ development and redevelopment within the identified infill sites and major centres. BDA were engaged to address six potential infill areas, those identified as having the best redevelopment prospects.
BDA joint ventured this project with HRP - Gold Coast. Our primary role was the provision of built form urban design concepts for the six infill sites. The concepts illustrated potential scenarios for the sites to inform future infrastructure planning and yield targets.