6 O’Connor Street
Residential Apartment, In Progress
Location | Tugun, Queensland
Client | Jonclaire P/L
Visualisation | Response Image
Services | Design, Architecture
A simple material palette and clearly articulated facade create a building that will add to and enrich the existing streetscape, housing three whole-floor dwellings.
The base of the building is defined with an entry gatehouse so that it is both clearly visible and secure. The use of stone enhances the visual apperance of the base while distingushing it from the middle and top. Natural stone cladding is complimented by two sizeable landscaped areas located at the street front, whilst a private pool provides openness and activity to the ground plane.
The apartment body is articulated with white spandrels that wrap around the balconies and down the facades, breaking up the form and providing balconies with a degree of privacy. Feature white brick cladding, combined with varied timber batten screens, bronze window hoods, coupled with sizeable glazing openings provide the middle with layers of articulation and destinguish it from the base.
The top is expressed through a slim slab edge profile roof. A change in material palette through the use of timber batten cladding and bronze blades help to distinguish the top from the middle.